Carol R. Eaton Designs

Carol R. Eaton Designs

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

When is a Celery a Rose?

Ah... it feels good to have another piece from my design wall finished! I completed "Celery Rose" last night. In an earlier post I talked about making prints from the base of a celery stalk. The prints looked like a rose which lead to creating a pattern from the print and voila!

The borders are needle felted and deliberately left uneven to
compliment the movement in the design.

Here is the divine inspiration - behold the celery stalk!

What other vegetables do you think would make an interesting print?


  1. I've done this too: Just looked at the bottom of a celery stalk I had just cut and saw a rose, got out my paints and went to it. I like the quilt you made using the celery rose design.

  2. That's great! Diane Cadrain also created a quilt inspired by celery stalks... I see a theme for a future show of vegetable prints... what do you say?!
