I'm delighted that "Weekend Walks With Sharon" was juried into the upcoming Local Colors exhibit! The premiere opening will be May 4th at the Haas Library, Western CT State University from May 4 - June 14, 2013.
In July the show will travel to the Legislative Office Building in Hartford, 300 Capital Avenue, Hartford CT and in September you'll find the exhibit at the Slater Museum in Norwich! More venues will be added around Connecticut as we move forward. I can't wait to see to all the wonderful pieces depicting each artists interpretation of Connecticut.
My piece was inspired by my weekend walks with my buddy Sharon. We try very hard to reconnect each weekend by taking walks together - we've been doing this for a number of years now. Each walk I tune into to our natural surroundings and incorporate what I see, hear and feel onto the surface of fabric when I get back to my studio. Each fabric in this design was created after a walk!
Weekend Walks With Sharon
The techniques used in this piece are stamping with pine needles, discharge technique, painted fabric, dyed fabric, stenciling, silk screening and machine quilting!
Detail of piece |