I continue to be excited by surface design and at this point I'm starting to take a more focused approach to my sessions. In this segment I wanted to compare 3 different techniques using the same colors just to see how they would compare to each other. My examples are below; you'll compare confetti dying, ice cube dying and then the typical dye immersion method. This was a good learning experience and each time I dye I discover something new!
I hope you enjoy the results. I found it amazing that the same colors were used because the results were so different. I have a favorite method but I won't say anything so you can take a look and make your own decisions!
The colors used below are yellow and wet sands
Confetti Dying - Yellow & Wet Sands |
Ice Cube Dying - Yellow & Wet Sands |
Dye Immersion - Yellow & Wet Sands
The below fabrics combine Blue, Red and Yellow
Confetti Dying - Blue, Red & Yellow |
Ice Cube Dying - Blue, Red & Yellow |
Dye Immersion - Blue, Red & Yellow |
The below colors are Yellow and Red
Confetti Dying - Yellow & Red |
Ice Cube Dying - Yellow & Red |
Dye Immersion - Yellow & Red |
Drippings - Yellow & Red
I placed fabric below the confetti dying piece as it was hung and this is the result of the excess dye dripping down. It was another unexpected delight!
As you can see the technique makes a huge difference in how the colors blend and the results are pretty unique. Did you have a favorite? Mine is the ice cube dying... the way the colors come out with such depth is like opening a present every time I rinse the fabric!