Life piles up sometimes and it's easy to veer off track managing your priorities! I work full time and I need to carve out daily creative arts time for my overall well being. I imagine many of you feel the same way. Creative people are wired to express themselves through their art in whatever medium they are passionate about. If more than a few days go by without studio time do you feel it? Something is missing right! Make sure YOU are a priority; put yourself on the calendar!

To manage my projects I recently developed a Project Tracker document that forces me to set beginning and end dates. Having project details visually displayed for a quick review at a glance is hands-down the most helpful. Being reminded that I have 20 yards of ice dyed fabric due in February triggers me to stagger dyeing fabric in-between a different project due this month. It's a very basic system but when life goes sideways I need a reminder so I can pick up where I left off. This may be too rigid for your style but for me staying on track of commitments keeps stress at bay. When stress is reduced it allows for free flowing free time and creative energy bubbles up and jumps out! I'd love to hear your process and tips for staying on track.
NOTES: Keep detailed notes of design and color specs!