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Monday, December 15, 2014

Fundraiser to Fight Cancer - What You Can Do To Help!

100 artists are busy designing, planning and creating artwork for you to receive as a special thank-you for donating $100 to the annual Fiberart For A Cause fundraiser! 

1 Day - 100 Artists - 100 Patrons - $10,000
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Opens 10 a.m. Central

How The Fundraiser Works
On February 4, the first 100 people to contact Virginia Spiegel beginning at 10 a.m. Central will be given a link to donate $100 by credit card directly to the American Cancer Society through Fiberart For A Cause. Please note I am not responsible for the vagaries of the e-mail system.

Each donor will receive artwork from one of the 100 generous and talented artists listed below. Assignments of artwork will be made using a random number generator. Artwork will not be shared here in advance, but may appear on artists' websites or other social media before the event. See also our Pinterest board.

Participating Artists! 

Judy Gula and Eleanor of MeinkeToy:
Our Safety Nets
in case of unforseen circumstances.

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