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Monday, December 15, 2014

Channeling Old Wood!

I was asked to create a piece of fabric that had the feel of old wood! I love the colors and textures of wood so I was excited to get started!
This is a detailed shot of the finished piece.
I hope the subtle textures and colors come through!  

I was given this photo as inspiration for the fabric by a fellow fiber artist who is creating a design with an old wood flair. If the fabric meets her needs I'll post a picture of her completed piece at a later date.  

I started by dyeing 100% cotton in a tea bath.

Next I brushed fabric paint through a screen with an old toothbrush.

To create the suggestion of wooden slats I folded the fabric and dyed with more tea.

Here is the finished piece. It reads lighter in the photo and
is actually closer to the color of brown tea. 
Creating fabric for other artists is rewarding and challenging! Artists typically have a vision in their head about what they want. Interpreting their ideas onto fabric and having the end result match their vision is the challenging part. When I get it right I'm ecstatic and if not it's more discussion and back to the studio! 

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