FABRIC FOR SALE: click on pages below!

Monday, November 4, 2013

WIN - WIN - WIN: a custom fabric collection from THE PRINTED FABRIC BEE!

To win this one-of-a-kind collection of 6" X 6" fabrics all you have to do is leave a comment on Lynn Krawczyk's blog OR on our Facebook page beneath the picture you see above! The comments from both places will be combined into one drawing (one chance per person) and the winner will be announced on Monday November 11. Just leave a comment, any kind of comment and you’ll be in the drawing!

Each month there is a new "Queen" with her own custom theme request. The "hive" will create unique fabrics inspired by the Queen and we'll have another giveaway! This month Julie Basseches Booth chose BLUE SPIRALS so be sure to keep checking back for progress updates and more chances to win a gorgeous custom fabric collection!  

There may be some follow up pieces to the official giveaway. Life gets busy and if a member is not be able to meet every deadline we will mail the additional piece as soon as possible.

Participating Artists:

Lynn Krawczyk:
Susan Purney Mark: http://susanpm.com/


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