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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Flour Resist - Julie B. Booth's Technique!

Julie B. Booth has a blog packed full of surface design techniques utilizing things from your own kitchen! Julie's perfected her ideas and is getting ready to have a book published due out next fall... I know... it's hard to wait! Check out her blog for a head start on producing one of a kind fabrics! Her current blog is titled, "Carrots, Turnips and Pears... Oh My!". Come on... don't you just HAVE to take a look?!

I followed her flour resist directions. I've tried this is the past but there were gaps in the directions so it was difficult to achieve the results I wanted. With Julie's directions I was able to cruise right through the process and happy with the results.

I started with a piece of multi colored ice dyed fabric. Following Julie's directions I mixed up a paste of flour and water spreading a thin layer across the surface of the fabric. Next I dragged a comb through the flour and then added circles with a fork.

Once the flour dried I crinkled it to create interesting lines in addition to the comb and fork designs. I used a Seta Color fabric paint per Julie's directions and painted over the flour allowing the paint to seep down into the design in the flour.

Once the paint was set and the flour removed I had a true one of a kind fabric. The fabric seemed like a good fit with my coveted Ethiopian fabrics brought back by my friend Leila who traveled there. I made a large table runner which will remind me of Leila's journey each time I see it.

Here is one more little shot of the table runner. It's headed for a special project and I'm unable to show the complete view just yet... stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your endorsement! You're a sweetheart! I just love the table runner and how you did such a fantastic job of integrating the flour resist fabrics with the African fabrics...just gorgeous!
