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Friday, January 12, 2018

Studio Play Time!

I made a promise to myself to spend more time in the studio with no pressure and no plan. Sometimes I try to be so efficient with my time and energy that I miss the wonderful spontaneous creations that happen when you have open "play time"! 
I started this piece in a free-form screen style. It was a little choppy looking once it was washed so I tossed it back into the bin for some ice dyeing. I thought the added depth of the 2nd dye was worthwhile. I'm contemplating a 3rd technique... but we shall see! 

I still had a hankering to use my giant screens so I ripped up some freezer paper for a random design on the screen. I don't have much yellow/orange in my inventory so I tried to keep it light. The 1st wash was too light and the design wasn't jumping out. I tossed it into the dye bucket again and using ice I was left with a mottled look... which is OK. I think I'll stop here and call it done! 

Next up was an opportunity to use a heavier weight silk. Using sponges I stamped some shapes across the surface. I don't know what I was thinking as it was so random and odd! I guess that was the point of my free play time so I kept going. This piece too got dropped into an ice dye bath and although still unusual looking I kinda like it! 

Ice Dyeing continues to be my favorite so I couldn't leave without at least a couple of wild creations! 


  1. Fun! That play time is vital for me too, since most of what I normally do is geared toward being sold. The play time gives me opportunity to try new things without concern for outcomes... thanks for sharing yours!

    1. Thanks Judy - it's good to let go without worrying about a sale!

  2. Hi Carol,
    The four pieces in the this post are beautiful! Are the bottom two for sale? And are they both silk?
    Thanks, Linda
