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Friday, January 19, 2018

Fun with Dye and a Bathtub Mat!

My buddy Barb Olsen invited me over for studio play time! Barb has gathered many cool and unusual tools  over time. I was amazed when she pulled out a number of bathtub mats in all shapes, sizes and textures. It was instant love... the textures on the top and wonderful suction cups on the bottoms were perfect for printing!
This piece started as a folded and Indigo dyed fabric. I was unhappy with the open white spaces and wasn't sure what would make me happier. The suction cups on the underside of the bathtub mat were a great solution! 

In this detail shot you can see how fun the circles are. I placed the bathtub mat on the table and laid the fabric on top. Using thickened dye on a foal roller I rolled across the surface... voila!
Thanks Barb! 


  1. Fun! Amazing all the wonderful things we can use for printing, isn't it? Makes you look at items in a whole new way...

  2. It was a great article on Bathtub Mat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your articles.
