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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Screen Collage!

Screen collage is my new favorite passion. It's a bit cumbersome and time consuming but o la la the results are fun! To me it's freeing and the excitement of seeing the colors mix and blend is my reward for the hard work. I've done a number of pieces now and I keep learning as I go. 

Here is my set up; I'm using thickened dyes.

You can add freezer paper underneath the screen to create a design

Gotta love that freezer paper! 

I'm not sure why I chose to put green and peach together but I did.

This piece is a soft pastel.

I need to tweak the drying method to get stronger colors... to be continued!


  1. Oh Carol, your studio looks like SO MUCH FUN! Can't wait to see more of these collaged pieces.

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