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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective + Romare Bearden =A Fabulous Exhibition!

Christina Blais, Mary Lachman, Karen Loprete, Wanda Seldon
Carol Vinick, Guest Poet - Kate Rushin, Antonia Torres, Linda Martin
Carol R. Eaton and Rosalind Spann
The Hartford Public Library hosted a reception for the Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective this past Saturday! Kudos to the library staff for organizing such a well planned event especially Brenda Miller and Jeffery Mainville. As an added bonus attendees were delighted with a reading by famed poet Kate Rushin.

The exhibition was inspired by artist Romare Bearden who became active in the Harlem Arts Guild during the 1930's. Bearden was a prolific artist who worked in New York City as a social worker devoting nights and weekends to his art. Over his lifetime Bearden experimented with many mediums and is best known for his textured collages. The Collective paid homage to Bearden's commitment to civil rights and his contributions to the jazz and art communities. 
Poet, Kate Rushin reading from her book, The Black Back-Ups 

The reception was well attended ~ thank you HPL!

CtFAC member Rosalind Spann addressing the audience. Rosalind was the wind beneath our wings to get this project off the ground!

Attendees enjoying the art work!

CtFAC member Wanda Seldon with her darling daughter!

How fun to chat with the visitors!

We're giving a shout out to Ruth Ann Olson who wasn't able to attend!
Rosalind Spann, Barb Adams, Kate Themel, Antonia Torres and me

My nephew Dane and his girlfriend Maggie dropped in to say hi!
Look - my sweet sister came to show her support (OXOX)

So much positive energy!
Mary Lachman, me, Ed Johnetta Miller, Christina Blais, Linda Martin, 
Jeffery Mainville, Karen Loprete, Carol Vinick, Antonia Torres and Rosalind Spann


  1. Oh how I would love to have been part of this or at least see the exhibit. Romare Bearden is one of my favorite artists. I have seen many pieces of his work in person.

    1. Gerrie - It would have been a treat to have you join us!

  2. I keep trying to comment. I hope this doesn't appear three times.

    Thanks so much for the shout out. You are a talented group and I love you all.

  3. Great summary Carol. Love your redesigned blog too!
