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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fabric Dying: Ice + Confetti = A Unique Workshop

The Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective or CFAC got together for our August meeting by having Carol Ludington join us for a demonstration of her iced dying technique. Carol shared tips she first outlined in Quilting Arts Magazine. Carol demonstrated how to layer the ice and ways to fold and manipulate the fabric for creating her "signature" look! Once our fabric was folded, powdered and layered into the ice we switched gears to try Confetti Dying. Barb Adams asked why it was called "confetti dying" and although it sounds silly that's just the name I gave it when I saw the results; it looked like confetti splayed across the fabric. It's a messy process but we all wore our "finest" dying outfits allowing us to jump in and have fun! It was an extremely hot day so as we were cooling off over a lovely pot luck lunch Diane Wright shared her journal bowls; coincidentally also featured in Quilting Arts Magazine. Diane brought 3 of her gorgeous journal bowls and explained how the concept evolved. Diane and her hubby travel extensively and each unique item has a personal story adding to it's treasured memory.

Have you ever participated in a "dying" workshop? If so please share your thoughts and experience! Below are photos to show what fun you can have when a group of artists get together for a "play day"!

Carol Ludington explaining her fabric folding techniques with Karen Loprete, Mary Lachman and Barb Adams looking on.

Mary Lachman with her line up of iced dying buckets!

Barb Adams and Diane Wright adding dye powder to the iced fabric.

Karen Loprete contemplates her first Confetti Dying piece while Roz Spann and Diane Wright discuss their next move!

Carol Vinick is beginning to add dye powder to her fabric using a mesh sink strainer for even disbursement!

Carol Ludington sprays a soda ash and water mixture onto her fabric which gets the dye powder mixing and moving.

Mary Lachman sprays her fabric and went for the direct "spray" vs. "mist" technique... "it's more fun this way" she said!

Carol Vinick developed a new technique with fantastic results! After spraying her fabric she took another "clean" piece of fabric and pressed it against the dyed piece. Next Carol brushed her hands across the fabric creating a bond which allowed the "clean" piece of fabric to suck up the excess dye; it came out beautifully and I can't wait to try it myself!

Diane Wright's piece after spraying with soda ash and water.
Carol Eaton's iced dying results using the "fan folded" technique; silk to the left and cotton to the right.

Roz Spann's green silk to the left and cotton to the right.


  1. Hi, Carol... I love the confetti technique you described here! Will definitely have to give it a try. I have both participated in as well as taught dye workshops, and love the creative energy that occurs. I am preparing with a friend to teach a surface design class next month... 3rd workshop this year, and it really makes me stretch to develop the curriculum, create samples, then teach the techniques. Thanks for sharing about your workshop!

  2. Hi Judy,
    Glad the post got the creative energy flowing! We had a great time with each artist achieving different and unique results. If you're comfortable sharing your site I'd love to take a peek at your work!


  3. You bet, Carol! It's tiedyejudy.blogspot.com. Got about 5 years worth of experiments there, and more to come!
