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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dying Fabric - Confetti Technique

Although I only had one free day this weekend I managed to find time to play around with the Confetti Dying technique! It was a nice day so I was able to work outside and free to spray and splash as I pleased. I did end up with interesting speckled feet though as I manipulated and hug the dripping fabric! 

I used two finishing methods once I sprinkled the dye powder across the surface of the fabric. I either kept the fabric laying flat or hung the fabric before spraying. Below are my results... such fun! Please let me know if you give the technique a try ~ I'd love to see your results.

See how many other colors are needed to create the color green. This technique allows the individual color molecules to stand alone rather than blend together.

All of these pieces were created by hanging the fabric
and spraying with soda ash and water.

This is piece uses only lavender; again the individual colors are pulled out. The lines were created by spraying in one direction and then turning the fabric to allow the dye to drip in another direction.

More fabrics hung and then sprayed.

These final two pieces use the Confetti Dying technique but rather than hanging the fabric I left it flat, sprayed and scrunched!


  1. These are very interesting! I especially love the final two pieces... very much like abstract paintings! I have to find time to try this while the weather is still nice... thanks for sharing!

  2. After seeing your blog and getting a feel for your work I think you'll really enjoy the technique! I love the framed piece on your profile!
