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Friday, April 7, 2017

Screening with a Twist!

I recently purchased "Breakdown Printing" by Claire Benn & Leslie Morgan. I have yet to watch the DVD that came with it but the book is great! When I'm excited to try something new I tend to jump in with both feet. Only after I've gotten my hands dirty and have a feel for the technique do I slow down enough to read the directions or guidelines! 

After mixing up batches of thickened dyes I squirted the dye onto the back of a prepared screen. The bubble wrap and other materials were placed on top of the dye and left to dry. 

The screens are almost dried. I pulled off the bubble wrap and other items. The marks left behind will add an interesting element to the design (I hope!). 

Using a squeegee I pulled clear print paste across the screen. This step is repeated multiple times until the dried dye breaks down and we are left with a fun design. For the piece on the left I added a fern design using a Thermofax screen created by PGFiber2 Art.  

The process was time consuming due to the drying times. I love instant gratification but I'm going to keep at it experimenting and seeing how far I can push this technique!

Have you ever tried deconstructing screens?


  1. Yes! I loved the process and the results.

  2. I've tried it a couple of times... haven't had fabulous results, but I know others who have. I'm sure you will enjoy as you go along, and look forward to seeing more of your efforts!

  3. Sue and I (PGFiber2Art) have done it several times during our summer creative camp. It is fun, but as you said, is time consuming since you have to wait for the thickened dye to dry on the screen. That can be challenging when working in humid (non-AC) conditions in a garage. I like to put foam stamps in the dye too.
