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Monday, August 29, 2016

Fabric Painting Workshop - Another Great Group!

We had a wonderful time creating fabulous painted fabric on Saturday! The group was fearless; they learned the techniques and then proceeded to put their own creative spin on it = swoon! 
Such a beautiful clothesline! 

YES - we are hot - YES we are sweaty - YES we are happy! 

Maureen is selecting her palette! 

Rita and Bev are finishing up with the paint and ready to manipulate the fabric
for a fun effect!

Linda is placing ice cubes on her fabric to allow the sun to move the paint around! 

As always my lovely sister was our assistant - OXOX!

Dwight sees opportunities for texture everywhere! 

We have a lot of patterns being created using all kinds of surfaces to paint on!

Trisha prepares her work space for another fabulous piece! 

Polly, Linda and JoAnna are securing whiffle balls into their fabric.
We expect some great "bursts" of color from this technique! 

Kelly, Trisha, Dwight and Polly are painting their manipulated fabric!

Ahhh... an air conditioned lunch break! 

Bev, JoAnna, (Donna), Rita and Debra are back at work painting their pleats! 

Everyone created awesome sun printed fabric using foliage from the gardens but Dwight brought clamps - so cool! 

Given the warm sunshine all the fabric dried in time to be transported home!
It was a wonderful creative and productive day!!!


  1. Hey girl...what a fun-looking workshop..Especially loved the Halloween buckets with paint...So was this all fabric paint or dye? And if it was paint...you can use the ice cubes with paint?!-Julie

  2. It was fun for sure - a great group of experimenters! Once you cover the fabric surface with paint, scrunch and place in the hot sun. Drop random ice cubes on the fabric and let the sun melt them. As the ice cube melts the paint is pushed around leaving a cool pattern once it's dried - give it a try!

    1. Thanks Carol. Work with Setacolor so knew about the sun printing. But really great to find out about using the ice cubes with paint. Thanks so much! Let me know if you are popping down to the DC area in the future.

  3. I can feel the creative vibes from here! Very inspiring, and I love the bit about ice cubes... may have to give that a whirl, and I thought of several items I could use for creating texture patterns. Thanks for the inspiration!
