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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Layering Fabrics for Dyeing!

I was showing my son the layers of painted fabric I recently created and he suggested the same technique using dye... mmm... would it work? 

I settled on the 3 primary colors just to see how they would interact. Using Procion MX dyes I put a yard each into red, blue and yellow. Wringing the fabric out slightly I laid the red down on a covered surface. Next came the blue and then the yellow. 
The yellow background is super pale but the soft blue/purple colors seeping through are interesting. I plan to over dye with the same yellow to get those blue/purple colors to pop a bit more. 

Snooze alert... boring... same-o... same-o!

The blue bleeding into the red was kind of fun. It created a soft purple hue meandering around the fabric!
I would try this technique again but perhaps with just 2 layers. If you try it yourself let me know what you learn and how your project came out! 

Happy Experimenting!  

1 comment:

  1. Carol, Great experiment! I think I need to try this! Thanks.
