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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Look What Irene MacWilliam Did!

Irene MacWilliam was intrigued by my earlier tutorial on creating big color splashes across the surface of her fabric! I was delighted when Irene shared her pictures - how fun! Irene is contemplating using them in a project titled, Long Walk Home. You can read about it on the Stitched Art Textiles blog. 

I love the internet for connecting artists globally! Irene is from northern Ireland and I'm in Connecticut, USA... sharing a cross cultural experience is awesome! Please enjoy Irene's pictures and check out her website and blog! if you have photos to share please send them along! 


  1. Thanks Carol for showing my fabric. It was such fun, messy but so worthwhile trying the technique. Still producing more samples

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So pretty! I still haven't tried it, but I will.

    1. Maybe we should have a play date in the studio this summer!

  4. I also tried this technique after seeing it on your blog, but mine was a dismal failure. You can see results on my blog, http://periwinklequilts.blogspot.com/2016/04/a-finish-and-failure.html . (I've since over dyed the fabric and am happy with it now, but it looks nothing like I hoped it would originally!)

    1. Laura,
      I took a peek at your post - first your completed NY Beauty is a beauty! Next - your fabric... my guess is if you spritz the fabric to moisten before you apply the paint it will help the fabric start moving and migrating to cover the surface of the fabric. I hope you try it again - the more you push the more you learn :) Let me know how it goes!

    2. Carol, I think I wet the fabric after I had wrapped the balls, then applied paint. Definitely didn't just spritz! Have to give it another try soon.
