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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Painted & Dyed Canvas + Thermofax Screen = FUN!

Sometimes it takes a while to decide what you want to do with a piece of fabric! Last summer I was playing around with artist canvas and laid a gigantic piece on the driveway. I painted it in a collage style but meh... it was too bright and stiff so I set it aside. I decided to wash it to see if it would help with the softness - which it did but it still didn't excite me. Next, I over dyed the canvas with ice. This tipped the scales for my art brain to like the color palette however, I still wasn't sure what to do with it and it just didn't feel finished. 

In steps artist Terri Stegmiller with her fabulous thermofax screen designs! This design is titled "Layered Circles". If you aren't familiar with her work be sure to click here. Using her screen I stared creating a design across the surface and finally I felt like it was working. The design is only on a potion of the canvas and I'll save the rest for another time, (I wasn't kidding when I said the piece was gigantic!). 
Using Speedball screen paint I pulled the paint across the screen. I found using old hotel "keys" works perfectly for this process! 

I love the instant gratification you get when the screen is lifted!

Here is the finished piece. I do like the heavier texture and weight of canvas and will continue to experiment with it! 
What is your favorite fabric for surface design?


  1. question. Are you quilting through the canvas? is it tough on the sewing machine. are you stitching before adding the layers of paint? I work with regular cotton, and have wondered about working on some canvas I have in the studio from my oil / acrylic painting days. Looks lovely.

    1. Hi Vivian! I washed the canvas a couple of times throughout the process so at this point it's quite soft. There shouldn't be any issues quilting :) I'm not sure about quilting through acrylic or oil it they are in thick layers. Experimenting is fun though - it will either be great or not so great - both results may lead to something you hadn't earlier considered! Let me know how you make out!
