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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Using Unique Fabrics!

I'm having a burst of creative energy and actually creating some of my own fiber art pieces. Typically I create fabric for other artists to use but in reorganizing my inventory I've been setting aside fabrics that "speak" to me. I admit to having a wee bit of trouble focusing on completing a piece once I work through the design process but I'm committed to creating new works and will keep going!  

Here's a piece waiting for quilting. I took some black & white confetti dyed fabric and sliced it up. Next I layered it over a hand painted landscape fabric. I think I'm going to continue with the KISS method, Keep it Simple Stupid and only add a tight machine zigzag along the edges of the trees... does anyone else have another suggestion?

1 comment:

  1. very cool...KISS seems like a good way to go...wish I would follow that motto more often!
