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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Steeped in Stitches Fiber Art Exhibit - Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective!

Members of the Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective held a Fiber Arts exhibition this weekend at the Phelps-Hatheway House in Suffield, CT.The show took place in conjunction with Suffield town day and there were bands, food, markets and good ole fun! 
The group and friends were even treated to a tea complete with tiny cucumber sandwiches that had their crusts cut off - who knew we could be so fancy! 

The exhibition took place in the very large barn on the property. It was a lovely setting and it's my understanding the barn is also used for weddings ad other types of functions. 
We were joined by SAQA CT co-reps, Barb Adams and Catherine Whall Smith
The artists took a moment to talk about their work and design process - always a treat to hear the back story!
What's a tea party without fancy hats?
Thank you Roz for bringing this 1930's hat for me to wear during the event! 
From left to right in the back we have Roz, Mary, me, Denise and Catherine. Front row is Wanda, Carol V, Francesca, Barb, Toni, and Nancy. Linda is missing from the picture.
The group voted on the best hat and Catherine presented Toni with a bag of goodies.
I'm sure you agree that Toni's has the greatest hat ever! 
Later in the day member Mary Lachman was on hand for a poetry reading from her recent book, Moth at the Window. Click here for details - it's a great read! 

Stay tuned for our next adventures! 

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