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Monday, August 31, 2015

Look What Joyce Compton Did!

I love this piece, "Floral Fantasy" created by fiber artist Joyce Compton! I had the pleasure of meeting Joyce while attending the SAQA conference in Portland, OR last spring. The best thing about being a vendor at a show is meeting so many creative people. In looking over my stash of fabrics Joyce pulled out this Snow Dyed piece. Joyce said, "I knew immediately when I saw the fabric that I just wanted to quilt it to enhance the design created by the dyeing process". The piece was accepted into the upcoming Shenandoah Vineyards exhibit - a big congrats to Joyce! 

Joyce used crewel embroidery thread in bobbin to create the centers of the flowers. I've never been brave enough to try it but clearly Joyce has this technique down! For more information on Joyce's work hop over to her FaceBook page