FABRIC FOR SALE: click on pages below!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer + Outdoor Workspace = Confetti Dyeing!

Ah... sweet summertime! The time when I can take my studio supplies outdoors to play around and make a big 'ole mess without a care. It's like the freedom of being a child! The biggest mess I make in the studio is when Confetti Dyeing so that was first up on my outdoor agenda. 
This is one of the finished pieces. After I dyed the fabric I painted the surface with a thin wash of sunset colors to enhance the effect. 

Usually I add all the colors of dye to the fabric surface before hanging to spray. This time I added one color one at a time. I wondered if the colors would be more distinctive using this method.
Here I have about 3 different colors; violet, cobalt and black. 
I sprinkle the dye onto the surface when it's laying on the ground. When I hang it up I spray with a solution of soda ash and water. This allows the colors to intermingle as they run down the fabric... ooo la la! 
This was the only piece out of the 4 that I painted. I'm thinking about leaving one as is and painting a wash on the others just to change the colors slightly... maybe a wash with some metallic bling in it just for fun? To be continued...


  1. Love to see more of these beautiful skies

  2. Carol, is the top fabric for sale?

    1. Hi Janine! Yes, this piece available. It's 37" X 44" and $27. If you could email me I'll send a full picture of the fabric. The top picture is a detail shot and I want to be sure you'll like the whole piece! There is a lot of dark blue in the overall fabric.

