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Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Relaxed Pace of Summer is Here!

Summer has always given me "permission" to slow down and relax. My typical pace is on the frantic side but the warm sunny days and the lush surroundings during the summer remind me to stop and take it all in! So... this attitude will be my new mantra for the next few months. 

I started by spending a long weekend with some buddies in New Hampshire. They are athletic and adventurous so we filled the days with hiking and kayaking. I came home with tired muscles and new shared memories. 

Sharon and I on the summit of Mt. Chocorua!
This was a 10 mile hike with a soft breeze and lots of sunshine!
I can't wait to dye fabric in multi layers of green fading into blue and purple - what a view! 
This is Mt. Chocorua from Silver Lake - yes - we were on the tippy top of that pointy mountain! I will try to capture the smooth feel of the water on fabric!

Sabbaday Falls is a quick hike with an awesome reward! The loud water and smooth rocks will be another studio inspiration. The rocks were a sweet combination of colors that will find it's way into the fabric!  
Sharon, me and Carolyn on the summit of Mt. Willard. This is a fun hike that is only 1.5 miles. The view is spectacular looking down Crawford Notch. I've been here many times and it continues to inspire me.  

Our final morning on Silver Lake. We were on the lake by 7:00 AM to take advantage of the calm waters. A water skier and rower had the same idea for very different reasons! The studio is calling and I will take my memories and use them to create new fabrics! 

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