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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

An Endless Supply of Hand Crafted Fabric + Energy = Free Form Fun!

I'm ready to use the fabrics I've been setting aside! When I create fabrics the majority of the inventory is for sale but I do have a little stash of fabrics that have been tucked away for the right moment. I've also been hanging onto a custom fabric collection made especially for me by the members of The Printed Fabric Bee. I figured I better take advantage of the energy as I haven't felt this compulsion in a long while. Nothing is quilted but the pieces have come together. 

This is "Falling Leaves" and only pinned. I plan to stitch along the raw edge and add some detail for the veins and stem... we'll see if I stay true to that or if another idea comes along.

I'm calling this piece, "Connecticut Woodlands". It reminds me of all the things I enjoy about summer in Connecticut. I created most of the fabrics but some are from my buddies at The Printed Fabric Bee

95% of the fabrics used in this design were created by fellow artists in The Printed Fabric Bee. It's a combination of collections the members made when it was my turn to be Queen and choose the theme. I screened over the top once it was pieced and I think I'll quilt circles across the surface. The working title is "Secrets in Grandmother's Garden". I just realized it needs a border of sorts to keep your eye from wandering away!  
There is a freedom to jumping in with both feet and not worrying about making a mistake or planning the design in advance! 

How do you work best? Are you a planner or a jump in and figure it out later artist - maybe a combination of both?

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