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Monday, May 18, 2015

Outdoor Studio Space!

 I firmly believe everyone should establish a little nook for themselves outdoors to create art. It's just a different experience to be outside - for one you don't have to be as neat! I spent most of Sunday cleaning up my space! I had to replace the landscaping fabric this year and that combined with a tree falling and crushing my Honeysuckle structure I decided to enlarge the space - tons of work alone on a humid day - but it's done and I'm delighted with the extra room. All that's left is to set up my tables and I'm good to go! It will make it easier to have my buddies over for play time!  
This picture is from last summer when the Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective came over! I look forward to hosting again this summer... with more room! 
 My hubby helped me set up a clothes lines next to the tables. I can't believe how excited I was for a clothesline! 
This picture is also from last summer to lure YOU into creating an outdoor space. See how pleasant it is to create art among the flowers and grasses - how could you not be inspired! 

I'd love to see pictures of your outdoor space! 

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