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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Look What Misty Cole Did!

Misty Cole made this lovely piece titled, "Fleeting Beauty". Misty said the design was inspired by a recent birthday that had her dreaming of younger days when she confidently wore a bikini with a pierced navel in public! What a hoot - to see Misty's full story and design process click here

As always it's a treat for me to see how other artists utilize the fabric I created! I love the combination of ice dyes with commercial - well done Misty - well done! 

Cheers to many more birthdays and inspired designs!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet treat for you to post this on her birthday! Testimonial - Misty is fab-ulous in real life, more about Misty at http://funfromatoz.com/2013/03/16/interview-with-misty-cole/
