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Monday, April 6, 2015

Judy Sall + Soy Wax = Great Tips for Batik!

Batik leaves by Judy Sall

Last week I posted about a batik project I was working on and mentioned I had trouble getting the wax off the fabric. Judy Sall came to my rescue! In addition to batik Judy is also proficient at fabric dying, fabric coil bowls, hand dyed scarves and more! As many artists are kind and generous souls Judy raised her hand and offered tips on getting the wax out. She not only shared her process with me but agreed to write a tutorial on her approach to batik. Below are Judy's tips for getting the wax out but please click HERE for Judy's complete tutorial on the batik process using soy wax!  

Judy says...
This is a follow-up regarding the final rinse/launder to remove the wax and set the dyes.  I have heard some people comment that they have difficulty getting the wax out, and compared to paraffin and bees-wax, I find soy wax to be a lot easier.  Short answer... hot water.  I do the standard pre-rinse with cold water to remove the soda ash, then wash with synthrapol and hot water, followed by multiple rinses with warm water.  If I can still feel or see wax, back into more hot water.  I plan on shrinkage, so I'm not concerned if I have any, but this is my magic formula, whether I'm working on fabric or cotton clothing.  I use the washer if I have several pieces, or a bucket with hot water if not.  And it is okay with the septic system, both according to the manufacturer as well as my own experience.  Hope these instructions help you to explore the wonderful world of soy wax batik!  Enjoy!

For a complete tutorial visit Judy Sall's blog
Judy's piece is ready to mount! 

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