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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Look What Misty Cole Did!

Celestial Spheres, 50"x 50"
I met Misty last spring when we both attended the national SAQA conference in VA. We've stayed connected cyberly (is that a word?!) and I've been able to see some of the cool pieces she's created over the past year! Misty shared Celestial Spheres from a recent exhibition called, The Best Little Quilt Show in Maryland. She combined some of my fabrics with commercial fabrics for this very unique design. The more you look at it the more sub designs you see! 

 Thanks for sharing Misty! 

Over the past year I've stayed connected with a number of artist that I met at the SAQA conference = awesome! SAQA has a west coast conference coming up May 1 - 4 in Portland, OR and I can't wait for the chance to met more fabulous artists! 

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