FABRIC FOR SALE: click on pages below!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Ohhhh... I promise this book will be a real delight! Julie's famous for providing innovative ways to print on any fabric surface. Her instructions are easy to follow and realistic. I think every fabric lover will want one this holiday... but why not take a chance to win one of Julie's custom collections as well. Hurry - the pre order giveaway ends November 3rd! 

Steps for Entering the Pre-Order Giveaway for Fabric Printing at Home:

1. If you haven’t ordered yet clcik here: Fabric Printing at Home. You will be automatically direct you to the Quarry Bookstore where you can choose your favorite online bookseller to pre-order Julie's book. If you’ve already pre-ordered Julie's book (thanks!), just continue with the steps below to join the giveaway.

2. After pre-ordering Fabric Printing at Home, you’ll need to send an email with proof of purchase to fabricprintingathome@gmail.com. Be sure to also include a mailing address and if you are among the first one hundred to respond, you will receive an autographed bookplate! You will now own (or can gift) a copy of Fabric Printing at Home signed by Julie!

3. Whether or not you are among the first one hundred to respond, your proof of purchase automatically makes you eligible for the entry in the fabric giveaway.

4. The pre-order giveaway ends at midnight (Eastern USA time) on Monday, November 3, 2014. On Tuesday, November 4, a winner will be randomly chosen to receive the selection of hand painted and printed fat quarter fabrics. 

Good luck!!

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