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Friday, July 18, 2014

Managing an Indigo Vat

I have a "thing" about indigo... I read about it... I watch YouTube clips... yah I've got it bad! When I saw Dharma Trading offered pre-reduced indigo crystals I had to go for it and started my own vat. I love tending to it; if it's a little too blue I shake in some Thiourea Dioxide or perhaps the color is off so more dried crystals are added. I'm still learning and having a great time. 

So now that I'm confident in producing a luscious indigo color I need to focus on how I want to use it. The first imagine people usually have when thinking about indigo is the Shibori technique... surely that's just the tip of the ice berg... right?! 
What will you be?

New life for an old shirt!

A twisted... thing!

Some completed experiments. 
I'd like a darker color and it's my understanding that I can simply repeat the "dunking" process... off to create more! 


  1. I'd love to have my own indigo vat , I've only used one at a workshop!
    I'd indigo everything !!

  2. Check out Dharma's site for the pre-reduced crystals! It's very doable :)

  3. Very cool results...bet you want to throw everything in the vat now!

  4. I've never tried real indigo, having settled for ProChem's Navy Blue. Your results are spectacular. I love the shirt!

    1. Thanks! ProChem also offers a premixed indigo dye all ready to go without taking the full blown vat route. It's such a lovely color!

  5. I think I'm addicted Carol. Maybe I should have stayed clear of the vat!

  6. I really do love indigo but attending to the vat is like a sourdough starter. I get all excited at first and then I forget about it. Unfortunately, I can't stick the indigo dye vat into the freezer!! Lovely fabrics and shirt.

    1. I hear you on the sourdough starter... we'll see how long my attention span lasts... I do love indigo :) I'd really like to take the process as far as I can!

  7. We make the custom synthesis process more efficient and cost effective while maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability. Vat Blue 19
