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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hand Painted Cotton "Over-Dyed" with Snow!

I know most of us have pieces of fabric we've created but never fully embraced the end result! Maybe you even have a piece of commercial fabric that has lost it's allure. If so don't give up - over dye it! Again with the snow plentiful I chose to over dye using that technique. If you don't have snow you could use ice cubes. 

I had a couple of hand painted pieces that got tossed into the catch-all basket waiting for inspiration. I looked at them for the umpteenth time but this time I decided to over dye with snow. I should have taken a before and after photo but I was so uninspired with the "before" that I didn't think of it! 

This piece was originally painted and has sunprinted leaves scattered throughout.
Next the hiking boots were screened across the fabric.
I over dyed with snow using a bright red.

Here is a detail shot. I was delighted the sunprinted leaves remained visible.

This piece was painted with pink circles and blue swirls.

Here is a detailed shot over dyed with brown.
The first fabric with the hiking boots is 34" X 42".
The second piece with pink and blue is 34" X 44". 
Each piece is $25

I would love to hear about your experience over dyeing fabric and creating a piece that's more exciting!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Carol! The snow prints here and in the previous post are really beautiful! I've never done snow printing...I wonder if it would work with diluted paints.-Julie
