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Sunday, February 9, 2014

CT. Fiber Arts Collective - Gray Matter Challenge!

At the monthly meeting for the Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective we revealed our "Gray Matter" challenge  pieces! Mary Lachman provided each person with a bundle of gray related fabrics and we we challenged to use at least 2 fabrics in the design. The pieces are mounted on an 11" X 17" canvas... so here you go - my piece is titled, "Acadia".

I started with gray hand painted fabric.
After adding the boat I layered tulle across the piece.

The shaded effect comes from the tulle and a little stitching...
it was so simple it worked! 
Check the CtFAC blog for the reveal of all the members Gray Matter challenge! 

1 comment:

  1. I am excited about the upcoming exhibit. Can't wait to see everyone's work mounted and displayed!
