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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Studio - Reworking Space!

One morning I looked up and stared into my studio space... I mean really looked at it with fresh eyes. My first thought was, "why is that counter perpendicular to the sink?" and my second question was, "why do I have my work tables squished under the stairway?" I realized the space no longer worked well and it was time to rethink the flow.

Has that happened to you? One day you look into your living or working space and realize you set up an area and 10 years have gone by?!

I enlisted the help of my hubby to move some of the really big stuff like counters and fabric storage units. The rest of the weekend was spent organizing! At one point I thought it was hopeless with piles of things everywhere... but I kept going! 

Eventually the space started to jive and began to make sense. When it was 100% done I was smiling ear to ear. I now have a "wet" area with plenty of elbow room for mass creating. I also have a designated "dry" area for designing and sewing. There is even room for my hubbies bike and workout area... hey - I can share! 

The wet-side - time to get messy!

They dry-side - all set for planning the next project! 

The machines - crying for attention! 

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