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Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun with Freezer Paper!

I had a strong desire to create leaf prints across the surface of my fabric but wanted to try a different technique. As fellow artists I know you can relate to the need for a new twist when approaching a design idea! My goal was to create leaves with a strong center vein and I first thought about making a new stamp. When visualizing the end result my mind wandered over to the idea of using freezer paper to create the design. Granted this technique is much more time consuming than making a single stamp because each leaf is created individually but it seemed like the right direction to go... so off I wandered! 

I drew leaves onto the non-shiny side of the freezer paper. I cut out the body of the leaves keeping the center vein intact. To adhere the freezer paper to the fabric I pressed the leaves with the shiny side down using a cotton setting. Now for the fun... I sponged the fabric paint onto the fabric being careful to cover completely.
Once the paint dried I peeled off the freezer paper.

It's magical to see the design appear as the paper is peeled! It makes the time consuming task of creating the individual leaves worth it... I mean it... it's worth the time!
I think you should go for it! 

Here is the finished piece. It's just a fat quarter size to get me warmed up for a larger project. I plan to use the same technique for the current Printed Fabric Bee custom fabric challenge... stay tuned for more freezer paper experiments! 


  1. Watch a movie while you cut out the shapes of the freezer paper and time will fly :-)

  2. Replies
    1. If you give it a try please feel free to share your results!
