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Monday, October 14, 2013

Combining Techniques to Achieve the Suggestion of Winter!

I'm determined to create a line of fabrics that provide the "feel" of winter! Because I'm going for a specific effect the process has pushed me into trying new combinations of techniques. I love it - I believe in order to continue to grow as an artist you have to get outside the comfort zone and experience the unknown!

My wonderful buddies from the Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective suggested I add a little bling to some of the fabrics in the series! I added some silver frost to the above piece and agree that it needed some sparkle!

This piece started with low immersion dyeing. I used white fabric paint
and splashed it here and there to suggest frost or snow.

The above fabric was first created using the ice dye technique. Next I covered the surface with a wash of blue and manipulated the fabric as it dried. It still needed "something" so I randomly added white fabric paint with a touch of silver across the surface.

I'm not to sure this piece will stay in the Winter Series. It's an ice dyed piece with a wash of blue added. Lastly I hit the fabric here and there with silver but I'm still not sure about it. Maybe I'll see if it grows on me!

What have you experimented with lately?!


  1. Hi Carol- I'm loving seeing your process. The fabrics are very "wintery". I've been holed up in the studio printing and stenciling with recycled cardboard and paper. I'm actually pleasantly surprised at what is coming out of it. I wanted to again say how much I love your orange circle fabric. I've been working on mine as well..was planning one direction but may end up going a totally different way with it!-Julie

    1. Thanks for the kind words! It's fun to get immersed in a season and I'd love to see your recent creations. The orange circles were a challenge for me. I too went in one direction and then off in a completely different place. I don't mind getting pushed :)
