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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Creating Texture with Fabric Paint

I've had a delightful time experimenting with ways to create texture using fabric paint! The summer weather has lured me outside so I've started to become attached to my fabric paints again. I still LOVE my dyes but I want to take advantage of the season by working outside.

My first experiment was to use the same colors but manipulate the fabric differently each time. By keeping the colors consistent it allowed me to create a base point for comparison.... to see what worked and what didn't. The exercise was fun and got me thinking in various directions. I have all kinds of ideas taking shape in my head and can't wait to get back outside to play again!

Fabric was scrunched with ice cubes played randomly across the surface. Once the fabric was heat seat I painted a light blue wash across the fabric and scrunched again. 

Detail of scrunched fabric

The fabric was folded before painting. Salt was added randomly
to encourage paint movement.

Detail of folded fabric

It took a few sessions before I felt this piece was done. I started by painting large shapes onto the fabric. When they dried I painted a wash of bright green across the surface and scrunched the fabric. Next I painted another wash of light purple and scrunched again. Lastly, I sponged random circles of paint here and there to balance out the design.

Detail of triple painted piece

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