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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Look What Roz Did!

I get a huge thrill out of seeing how other artists use the fabric I created! We are all individuals so no two people will interpret the same fabric in the same way. From the moment my buddy, Roz Spann saw this fabric she kept saying it reminded her of trees... I tried my best to see her vision but honestly I wasn't able to "feel it"!

Roz recently debuted her design and I was blown away! Yes... Roz saw trees.... beautiful trees against a night sky! I never would have imagined this design and I love it! The piece still needs to be finished and if it looks this wonderful now I can't wait to see the final product!

Roz Spann with her beautiful quilt top! I can't wait to see the finished result!

Roz's trees started with this piece of confetti dyed fabric... trees... who knew?!

If you created something from one of my fabrics please, please email me a photo so I can share it on line!

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