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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow Dyeing with Found Objects - Round 2!

In my house we eat an enormous amount of yogurt and cottage cheese. I'm never quite ready to toss the containers into the recycle bin thinking they would be great vessels for all kinds of projects... but what projects?!

Since I'm in my snow dyeing craze I thought I'd incorporate the containers to help manipulate the dye as the snow melted. Because the containers were on the large size I used a 2 yard piece of cotton for the experiment. As always I started by soaking the fabric in a solution of soda ash and water before beginning the dye process. This helps the dye to effectively adhere to the cotton.

Tying off the fabric with rubber bands

The containers were quite tall so I needed a tub big enough to cover the fabric with snow and deep enough to catch the liquid once the snow melted.
 It's not a pretty sight right now but I have faith in the process... and my fingers are crossed! Can you see the containers peeking out near the bottom?

 Here is the end result. It's difficult to tell in this photo but with such a large piece of fabric the circles are 20" in diameter. It's quite striking when hanging on my design wall. I may have found a new love and will create larger pieces of fabric moving forward.

I'm defiantly going to give this experiment some more attention. For a smaller version using individual sized yogurt containers might create a nice effect.


  1. I am almost regretting that winter is over. Guess it is time for the ice cubes :-)

  2. You are so creative!

    With all the snow, I never did any snow dyeing. I was so busy trying to get my Local Color quilt done.
