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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Brick Fabric

Last weekend I had an opportunity to visit with my nephew and his girlfriend who live in DC. We had wonderful warm sunshine for exploring the city! I typically spend the majority of my time in more rural settings so I was fastened with the urban vibe and feel of the city. I took a gazillion photos of ivy, gates, sidewalks and doorways! I particularly loved the patterns in the brick walks in front of the homes. When I came home I created some fabric keeping the brick in mind.

I started by painting some PFD cotton using varies reds, browns and a few bits of green and white. Next I cut sponges to emulate two sizes of bricks. Using melted soy wax I sponged a brick pattern across the fabric. Next I mixed some screen inks to resemble the color of mortar and applied to the fabric. I left the piece alone for 24 hours and came back to iron off the wax. I washed the fabric, gave it a final iron and here are the results. I started another piece and will try to focus on a more specific pattern in the bricks... it's fun to try to emulate a texture!


  1. Wow, Carol! Great job! I Actually thought I was looking at photos of the brick walk until I read your post! Did you paint on the screen inks, or actually apply them through a blank screen? And I'm curious why you ironed off the soy wax instead of washing out... is it because you needed to heat set the screen ink? You know me... process driven!

    1. You got it - I ironed off the wax to ensure the screen ink would stay put! I was very unsure if the contrast between the brick color and mortar would be distink enough to stand out so I wasn't taking any chances of fading. I have another piece in the studio ready to apply the mortar color to. I controled the pattern a bit more... always a learning process!

    2. Sorry - I applied the ink with a foam brush.

  2. Incredible! I thought it was a photo, too. Beautiful pattern; the bricks are perfect. :-)
