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Friday, February 1, 2013

Fabric Dyeing: More Experimenting

Lately I've been focusing on ways to create interesting textures on fabric. By textures I mean the illusion of folds, wrinkles and anything that isn't flat looking. Once I try manipulating fabric in one way a new idea shows itself. I don't think the ideas will ever run out and it seems that the sky might not even be the limit!

Confetti Dyed: black dye sprinkled across the folds

I've also been getting back to my Ice Dyed fabrics. I'm gearing up as a vendor for the upcoming Village Square Quilter's show in April. I've been working out a seasonal palette and plan to come up with bundles of fat quarters to represent all four New England seasons. Below are some of the color combinations I've been playing with... more to come!
Iced Dyed: Winter

Ice Dyed: Soft Summer

Ice Dyed: Strong Summer
It's hard to tell with a photo but the colors of this fabric
are very vibrant and jump off the fabric!