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Sunday, February 10, 2013

30" of Fresh Snow = A Snow Dyeing Opportunity!

We had 30" of fresh snow in a 24 hour period which has been overwhelming. After 3 days our street hasn't been plowed... not even a pass through. The good news is the weather today was beautiful - sunny with a bright blue sky and about 30 degrees - perfect! I used the snowshoes over the past few days and had an opportunity to visit with neighbors who were also enjoying the "forced" relax-mode.

With so much fluffy new snow I just had to dye some fabric! I soaked 10 yards in soda ash and water to prepare the fabric for dyeing. I put one yard lengths into smaller pails and added snow. Next I sprinkled dry dye powder over the snow. I brought the pails back inside and left them alone for 24 hours. After rinsing, washing and pressing I have the results. One piece had too much white in it so I tossed it on my pile of fabrics I plan to over-dye.

Here are the results!

I thought this color combination was the most interesting!

Here is a detail of the unusual color combination


  1. I get so inspired of reading about your experiments of ice- and snow dying!I have to give it a try! We also have a lot of snow here in Sweden. Do you measure the dyepowder?

    1. Fantastic! You'll have so much fun experimenting! I don't usually measure the dye but when I sprinkle the dye on either ice or snow I use a regular spoon. I often use 3 colors so I would add about a spoonful of each color to one pail. If you go to "labels" on the left column of this blog and click on my past snow dyeing post I have step by step instructions. You can't make a mistake so just go for it. If it's too light you can always over-dye the fabric. I look forward to your results :)

  2. Wonderful results, Carol!! Good for you on being so productive and creative.
