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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall in New England

I absolutely love the fall season. Having grown up in New England I've been spoiled by the annual transformation of the leaves from greens to reds, yellows, oranges and browns. The leaves can be a single color or individual leaves can take on multi colors all blending into each other.... it's just marvelous!

I dyed cotton earlier to mimic fall colors.  I traced leaves collected from the yard and created the below "Fall in New England" piece. Sewing the multi colored leaves to a black background really made the colors pop.

The piece is 13" X 27.5" and wrapped around canvas stretchers. It felt peaceful to create and I hope it brings viewers pleasure when it's shown at "Explorations in Fibers" at the upcoming Kent Library Show.

Fall in New England
13" X 27.5"

This detail shows the quilitng and french notes added for interest.


  1. Beautiful leaves! I share your love for the autumn colors and leaves, and one of my fave things to do is batik autumn leaves on shirts... they sell like hotcakes! No matter where we live, I think Autumn is a beloved season for many if not most of us!

  2. Let’s not forget the smell of leaves after you jump in them… or hot apple pie coming out of the oven… mmmm… yum!
