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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fabric Dying: Ode To Autumn!

I was lucky enough to spend some time in northern Vermont recently and the fall colors were beautiful! I knew I had to come back to the studio and try to recreate the color combinations I saw. My favorites were the many shades of green, yellow, red, a wonderful soft orange and browns... OK, they were all my favorite!

This batch was created with the dye immersion technique. I took four individual yards of fabric and scrunched them side by side in a large plastic bin. Next I mixed up batches of red, yellow, bronze and green. I poured each color over the top of the fabrics allowing them to blend together and then walked away. At the end of the day I rinsed and washed the fabrics and here are the results!

I'm going back to the studio this morning to take my fall inspired
ice dyed fabrics out of the dye pots... yippee! 


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