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Monday, August 20, 2012

Fiber Art - Finding Balance

I've had a love for stone carins ever since I started hiking in the White Mountains as a child. When you're up above the treeline the stone carins are placed like sentinels guiding the way when visibility is poor. It's customary to add a stone to each carin as you hike by and I've taken that custom to heart. I built a good size carin in my garden with friends and family bringing stones from their adventures to add to the carin.

I recently started adding smaller stone sculptures to my gardens creating little whimsical structures all predicated on the natural balance of stacking stones. There is something about the smooth stones balancing on top of each other with no additional support that I find peaceful and orderly. I'm planning a series of fiber wall hangings using the idea of balance as the subject.

 Below is my first completed piece titled
 Finding Balance
24" X 20"

The piece is created using my own line of fabrics including
a hand painted piece with ferns stamped on it.

Purple Stone Sculpture  - Detail

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