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Monday, July 2, 2012

Dying Techniques X 3!

I live in New England where we enjoy 4 seasons and decided to create a series of season inspired fabrics. I've never been one to seek out solid colored fabrics so I thought about what techniques I could use for the end result to be colorful and unique. I decided to do a study comparing confetti dying to ice cube dying using the same colors. In corresponding with Carol Ludington she wondered what would happen if ice cubes were added to the confetti style so this was the perfect opportunity to find out!

Below are my winter, spring, summer and fall fabrics. The first fabric photo will be the confetti dying technique, the second fabric shown will be ice cube dying and the third photo will be a combination of the two. Let me know which technique you like the best!

Creating the feeling of a cold and grey New England day proved to be challenging

After the long winter months the lively spring colors are a treat!

The heat and humidity in the summer can feel pretty intense

Fall in New England is special time with the foliage changing into
the most interesting colors!


  1. I really like the ice dyed fab. But then again I really liked them all! I know I'm not being very helpful. I think in the future the project would likely be the deciding factor for choosing which dying tech.

  2. Thanks for the comments!I agree... it all depends on the project.

    Happy Creating!
