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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Combining Ice Cube Dying with Fabric Paints!

I dyed about 6 yards of fabric over the weekend using the ice cube method. I usually dye in old round pails ... really old! They're getting pretty beat up so when I spied some fun rectangle shaped containers at a tag sale I scooped them up. I discovered they're perfect with one exception; they are larger than my old pails so 1-yard fabric pieces don't quite take up the full volume of the container.

When I removed the fabric from the dye bath there was more white space than I expected because of the container size; the dye didn't get a chance to meander all over the fabric. The fabric was still nice  - just different. Some pieces I left alone but some pieces needed more color. Rather than using more dye I decided to pull out my fabric paints from Dharma Trading. I was happy with the results and liked the combinations of techniques.

Give it a try!

Using one of my favorite stamps I added color randomly to fill in some (not all) of the white spaces.

You'll need to dry and heat set the paint.

The completed piece looks more interesting with the paint and the gold shimmer adds some fun!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! You are haveing a blast playing with the dyes and paint. Your piece is beautiful.
    We really need to have a play date soon. Thank you for the lovely comment about my article. I'm still waiting for the postman to deliver my copy!!!
    Keep on playing!!
