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Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Printed Fabric Bee = A Year of Surface Design Tutorials for YOU!

GREAT NEWS- The Printed Fabric Bee is continuing in 2016!

The Bee in moving in a new direction this year...and we hope you'll be as excited as we are about that new direction! Instead of monthly fabric collections for our members...this year the focus in on YOU!

Each month a member of the Bee will post surface design tutorials on The Printed Fabric Bee blog. Imagine 12 months of free mini-classes from national and internationally known surface design artists and teachers! BUT....that's not all!!! Each month, the artist-of-the-month will offer a fabulous giveaway that will range from custom designed fabric to art supplies to books and DVDs. All you have to do is leave a comment on at least one of the blog posts during that month to be eligible. The artist-of-the month will draw the winner at the end of the month.

The first artist of 2016 is Julie B. Booth author of Fabric Printing at Home! 



  1. Yay! Lots of great comments on the PFB post today.

  2. Thank you guys for giving us an active part. I watched all of last year and wanted to be more involved. I'm looking forward to learning some new techniques and exploring them.
